Software developed by Akro Engineering.
uMED Ergonomy was first developed to create smooth data transfer from motion capture data in BVH format to AnyBody Modeling System. The software was then extended to include most commonly used ergonomics analysis.
It is free to use uMED Ergonomy. But you will still need a license file. Please send an email to to obtain free licenses. We need this in order to keep track of interest in the software, get feedback and develop more features.
uMED Ergonomy Capabilities
- Motion capture data import support for stick figure .bvh format
- .txt format files exported from “ipisoft studio biomech addon”. Time history series of joint angles and positions.
- 3D visualization of the imported motion capture data.
- Highlight selected joints in 3D visualization among other joints.
- 2D graph format visualization of each joints translational and rotational position data.
- Alternative units for translation and rotation results.
- Interactive adjustment of frame rate.
- Export required data files to drive AnyBody skeletal models kinematically (.txt format).
- Export .any file for visualizing joint points in the AnyBody software.
- Supported OS: 32bit and 64bit; Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11.
- Ergonomy analysis: REBA , RULA , OWAS , NIOSH.
- Yazılıma görüntü yükleyerek, görüntü üzerinde analiz yapabilir ya da görüntü üzerinden ölçüm araçları(mesafe ve açı) ile ölçüm alınarak analiz yapılabilir.
- Technical support via phone and email from Akro Engineering.